By meteorbabe0101 - 14/04/2009 02:11 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 04/04/2013 18:04 - Portugal - Sintra
By alexo - 23/05/2012 15:52 - United States
By Marfo101 - 16/01/2015 15:41 - Ghana - Accra
By marlow - 15/01/2009 02:25 - Canada
By Around - 23/05/2010 07:29 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/07/2024 00:00 - Sweden
Sucks to suck
By Anonymous - 14/08/2009 04:35 - Australia
By pyrogypsy - 24/10/2014 01:05 - United States - Seattle
By busmanhoe - 14/12/2009 11:19 - Norway
By comfylap - 28/05/2010 23:30 - United States
Top comments
O holy. That must've been REALLY awkward. There's no way you would've known she was dead! You don't deserve that! FYL. =(
Didn't the SAME EXACT thing happen to a woman on a plane in a previous post? I smell "fayyyyyyke" all over this one.
She said nothing about posting it at that moment. Besides, most people don't post them until days later.
Haha, most people post their FML's days, weeks, or even months later.
I doubt it's fake my dad had the same thing happen to him on a ski lift when he was little but he knew the woman was dead and the ski lift got stuck. so he waited 20 minutes with dead woman ontop of him
I'd be scared
omg dude

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Show it anywaySo did you feel on her **** or what?
#384 stfu 16 year olds cant work with the PD you have to have certain education, ive seen a dead body too and i agree that its not a huge deal but letting a rotting corpse lay on me for half an hour is not only physically nasty but could be traumatizing to some in conclusion your a douche, OP im sorry you went through this
That's horrible! I'm so sorry, that must have been traumatizing! FYL.
#316 He dosen't need to be traumatized from this. He didn't even know her. I've was in such a situation when I was ten. My step-grandmother died in the washroom and I didn't know about it until about an hour after her death. This did not leave a scar. Call me hartless but I barely shed a tear. I knew her more than he knew this lady. But then again it depends on the person #384 I have to disagree with 397, it could be possible that you do work with the police though hardly likely, you need the education. But why announce it to the world. By saying that, no one would believe you especialy by saying that you've seen tons of dead bodies. It is very understandable that the guy was freaked out by the dead body leaning on him for about half an hour. someone who works with the police would not go around boasting about it. I'm sorry you had to have that happen to you. :(
suck a dick bitch it's a huge deal you say " u saw dead bodys and ur 16 and work with police" bs and if you did they any of them die on you so stfu
dumb ugly bitch ugly photo btw u look discusting
why would they lie it's not like the take their time to make stories up
oh, I'm sorry for a mistype 388. I meant to say ride along. and seriously. dead bodies are no worse than sleeping ones. unless they void there bowels on you. that would suck ass.
Well, look on the bright side...... wait a minute.
#384 u don't got balls.
umm thanks for the info but most people find that scary we dont all see dead bodies
I agree.
pussy, its just a body geez
Wow that is siriusly not cool idk why people would say she deserved it
#401, what the hell are you talking about?
Wow I can't believe all the creepers who said they'd feel up a dead person. That's a human being! Come on People have some respect
16, and you work with the police sometimes. Bullshit.
#384 Last time I checked, girls don't have balls.
You work with the police sometimes? You cant even go on a ride along with parental permission and you can't join the reserves until 18 so no, you don't work with the police. Go back to playing with dolls little girl.
484 does calling a person a human being make it worse now or something?
384..... everybody cares about what you have to say so much.... cool necklace, I bet a lot of people could agree you have huge balls!!!!!!!!!
*sarcastic applauds*
You have no feelings
384 , seriously you are stupid and you have no feelings , that's why I am going to call you bitch , bitch
611 - I can't even begin to tell you how wrong you are. I don't know whether or not you're trolling or just retarded..
At least she didn't die alone...
That's a scary thought
I'd be creeped the **** out.
At least he didn't slightly move away and had her fall on the ground... Wow that's mean.
Been there, done that.
I do you even recover from that?! That's just not something one can "shrug off". That shit stays with you. Forever. Haunting you day in and day out. I feel creepy just thinking about it all!
At least she didn't die alone
Good one, #698.
You deserved it
<p>16yr olds don't work with the police. but ofc no one on the internet would ever lie about something.</p>

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Show it anywaydouche bag. that's not funny
omfg that sucks
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Show it anywayIdiot do u have even half of a brain you dip-shit. #2 I suggest you get a life.
would you be laughing if it was you? No. I don't think so.
sorry everybody but that's kinda funny. just us people with ****** up senses of humor and are probably future serial killers find it hilarious.
I agree
screw you ya dick. I hope that happens to you.
Low life asshole
#635 To someone you are just a random person. Are you saying that no one should care if you die? Realize that to someone that women mattered. She made a difference in somebody's life and for that reason it is merely incredibly offensive to say "LOL."
That's ****** up!
That is so mean!!! How do you have the guts to laugh at a dead person?!??! Poor lady!!!! May she rest in peace. :( ????
Thts really not something you shoul laugh about... Dont you guys have ANY respect for the dead?? Shut up an get a life instead of laughing at the death of an old lady
Lol alright
No, You're not the only one.
I live alone... LOL at myself
She was old! AND DEEEEEAAAAAAD you freak!
You twisted, sick, heartless, worthless piece of shit. ROT IN HELL YOU SICK ****!!!!!!
That's ****** up kid
Ya and your a ******
I don't find it funny but i do find your comment about Dane Cook to be funny. Lol
Wtf dude no one wants to hear that're literally dumb as shit. Like, "oh god, what's wrong with you?!" levels of dumb... Your parents must be so proud.
#798- Thank You!!!
and you take your pot jokes elsewhere
I think it's only you who is high on this website. Go elsewhere
#810 Yes. Take then to myspace, where they shall never be seen.
He could be making a cocaine or meth joke
Dane cook is actually funny. You're not.
This is actually pretty funny. Then again I'm high as well xD.
that's terrible! =[
447 - Please consider reading a ******* dictionary and use proper grammar. Dip shit...
oh shi-
I find your picture ironic. Just read the FML about "dropping the b•••• off, miss you...... Names not Megan. Not even close.."
That's not funny.. at all. She could be someones gramma.
so? makes no differnce. dead is dead. we all will die one day get use to it.
um ya so your a dick^^^
omg she could have also been someones wife, daughter, sister, and many more holy crap!!! Yeh they died, if I died does that mean I could have been someones brother or son? wow amazing how that works isn't it?
she's not being funny.
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Show it anywayI agree!!
Could? But you knows she's someone's daughter, point is even hitler had people who loved him. I don't see why we have to get attached to someone we will never get a chance to meet.
aw thats so sad :(
that's so mean
@jpest17 Sad and cruel, yet oddly true.
@656 NOE, she is someone's grandma, except just dead. ;(
That is terrible...I hope for the best for that lady's family.
Not **** Op's life, **** the old lady's -former- life.
:[ R.I.P

O holy. That must've been REALLY awkward. There's no way you would've known she was dead! You don't deserve that! FYL. =(
That is terrible...I hope for the best for that lady's family.