By Anonymous - 13/04/2012 10:32 - United States - Singapore

Today, I was bragging about how I had lost 10 pounds. Grinning, I pulled my shirt up and tried to show how big my jeans were on me. Instead, the button flew off my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 856
You deserved it 30 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kiran_fml 5

Maybe you should lay off the skinny jeans

TheDrifter 23

10 lbs lighter and your pants are still too small? I shudder at the mental image of the muffin top you used to sport.


Fat bottom girls you make the rocking world go round!!!!

Bug booty bitches! Now, to work on getting a booty. :(

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Don't worry, I once bent down at a party and ripped my jeans right on the ass. It doesn't mean you're chubby, just own some cheap jeans.

CallMeMcFeelii 13
challan 19

I read about someone near me in PA, that bent over at a party, and let one rip so foul that it blew out the ass of his pants. The fire dept had to be called, because people were suffering from gas asphyxiation. Some poor guy named Brandon.

Who the hell were you trying to show? A muffin top like that should not be flashed about... FGS, if you got too much of it DON'T flaunt it.

You know what? Being overweight is a hard thing to deal with. Losing ten pounds is a victory! And just because someone weighs a little more than what you think is sexy, doesn't mean they shouldn't wear what makes them happy. And if I want to wear a tight shirt or some skinny jeans, I'm damn well going to do that despite what other people think.

Being overweight is a hard thing to deal with? Not really. If you've let yourself get there in the first place that's your own fault. Losing a family member is hard to deal with. Not knowing whats going to happen to the rest of your life is hard to deal with. Serious stuff, not just being fat. Get your priorities right. Eat healthily, exercise a bit more. Problem solved.

NoOneCares - It isn't that simple and you damn well know it. And if you don't, go read up on the causes of obesity before you make even more of a jackass of yourself. If it were really that simple, obesity wouldn't be the huge problem that it is, now would it? Being obese IS serious, as it directly leads to hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease, high cholesterol, arthritis, sleep apnea... Want me to go on, or does that sound serious enough for you? Idiot.

Oh yes, so go on, what are the causes of obesity if it's not overeating? I suppose you're one of these people that believes obesity can be a genetic problem, or a disease that can't be helped. And you're calling me an idiot.

MissHayleyJames 7

Why is it that someone can be genetically skinny and eat whatever they want without gaining an ounce, but it doesn't work the other way? Where's the logic in that? Genetics don't make you 500 lbs but they can damn well make sure you'll never be below a size 10.

MerrikBarbarian 9

You do realize Doc is an actual doctor right? As for conditions... Hmmm cushings syndrome, pcos, ovarian cancer, anti-psychotic medication... All are known to cause moderate to severe weight gain- often regardless of the persons attempts to maintain or loose weight. Eating a 1000 calorie a day diet and walking several miles a day- I still gained 15lbs in a couple months of taking an anti-psychotic. Imagine what happens to people on it for years or who are less insanely vigorous about controlling weight gain. I was only on it for a couple months to help with symptoms from a concussion... But many people are on it for life.

klovemachine 24

115 is a failure in life. The end :-D

Sounds to me like you actually GAINED 10 pounds. I think your scale secretly hates you and is lying to you.

OP has their scale sitting on a piece of carpet inside a vacuum.

Well isn't that just slightly embarrassing!

Your scales are lying to you!!! But I suppose it's good you "lost" ten pounds.

perdix 29

Losing ten pounds is great, but when you've got 50+ more to go, you need to CTFD on the bragging.

xStaciexLynnx 15

You're one of those people who loses 2 pounds and goes down 4 pant sizes cause they think they're now tiny, aren't you?

Damn. I hate big ass females who wear a size 3 thinkin they look hella good. I hate big girls who ruin yoga pants. :/

MissHayleyJames 7

Big girls can definitely wear yoga pants and look fine. They just have to find the right style. I have some that hug me in all the right places and my husband doesn't like when I wear them in public because he's worried about all the guys that will be staring at my ass.