By AlexK - 18/06/2009 23:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I was browsing my computer to find naked pictures of my ex-girlfriend. I decided it'd be funny to photoshop a penis onto one of the pictures. I'm straight and the new picture turned me on more than before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 173
You deserved it 65 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fuckmyl1f333 0


Sussex people are a bit off at the best of times, so don't worry too much about it. Just make sure you don't tell the whole internet... whoops.

aweeks 0

how is this an fml? its not bad to be attracted to that. you're stupid. come out.

honey_girl 0

Actually, according to Manswers, guys produce more juice if they watch guy on girl porno than girl on girl. So it kind of makes sense. Plus, everyone, I don't care what they say, has at least one gay experience. BTW, for all you idiots, that doesn't mean you have to do something sexual.

jeffy_lima 0

maybe he didnt draw the dick on her but pointing at her face or something that would make more sense i think

Then you're not as straight as you think you are.

AZballin 0

that's a doushbag move. and kind of weird. good luck with that

this can't be true... what kind of idiot would actually admit that and post it online for thousands to read...

kinsey scale people. just because he likes that, doesn't necessarily mean he's not straight anymore. nobody is 100% purely straight.