By AlexK - 18/06/2009 23:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I was browsing my computer to find naked pictures of my ex-girlfriend. I decided it'd be funny to photoshop a penis onto one of the pictures. I'm straight and the new picture turned me on more than before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 173
You deserved it 65 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fuckmyl1f333 0


I don't really understand why you'd put this out there. Y'know?

umm wtf. how is that funny? i think someone is still a little bit bitter from the break up?

cactus_fml 0

That's what you get for being a douche and photoshopping a dick onto your ex-girlfriend. I mean really, even if she was a huge bitch, be the bigger person.

No she doesn't. You can't point to 1 common stage in the process of embryonic development and say they're both the same. That would be like saying a car and a truck are the exact same because they both came from the same steel factory.

Nothing straight about you. No wonder she's your ex.

Nothing straight about liking **** and a girl's face? Uh, right.

Kitty34_fml 0

The fact that someone would keep naked pictures of their exgirlfriend and then photoshop them later is really, really weird..

JDsaltyfalls9 0

Yeah that doesn't mean you're gay, man. It just shows how much you really hate your ex that you find her more attractive as a guy.

I guess you're not really straight then...or your girlfriend is beyond hideous. Or you secretly want to be ****** with a strap-on.

elsieenchanted 0

"Hey, I'm going to look for nude pictures of my Ex-Girlfriend," -5 Minutes Later- "Hey, I'm going to photoshop a Penis onto this nude picture of my Ex-Girlfriend," -10 minutes later- "Hey, that's hot!" -1 minute later- Hey, I'm going to tell FML about this!"