By imustbegay - 09/05/2010 14:20 - United States
By imustbegay - 09/05/2010 14:20 - United States
By Oops - 24/10/2009 13:14 - United Kingdom
By well crap... - 21/06/2020 14:18
By killmenow - 10/09/2012 17:52 - United States - Seattle
By ghgfd - 06/03/2013 14:53 - Canada - Barrie
By MenstruallyFrustrated - 23/07/2013 17:18 - United States - Surprise
By yournick - 31/01/2011 21:23 - Canada
By Anonymous - 31/12/2015 22:33 - United States - Washington Crossing
By Anonymous - 24/07/2013 20:56 - United States - South Hadley
By useless pos - 01/03/2013 00:48 - Australia - Sydney
By madfather - 23/02/2009 01:38 - United States
no one should give you dirty looks
your friend is made of win!!!
THAT!!!!! is what friends are for!!! I would have looked deep into his eyes for a moment with the hypnotic snake stare from the Jungle Book and then said 'You son-of-a-bitch!" then busted out laughing.
he is a genius haha
People are jerks, get used to it.
summary of above comment: "I think saying 'this is not an FML' is a waste of time. This is not an FML."
LOL! your guy frnd IS amazing :P