By imustbegay - 09/05/2010 14:20 - United States

Today, I was buying condoms for my girlfriend and myself. While at the checkout counter, my guy friend sees me, runs to me, puts his arm around me, kisses me on the cheek, then yells "Thank you baby!" There were about twenty people behind me, they all gave me dirty looks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 364
You deserved it 10 406

Same thing different taste


TrillionHearts 0
pandamaddox 0

"love you too snookems!" yep. that's what I woulda said. :)

really not a fml, that's awesome.

Today, my friend was buying condoms so I thought I would inject some humour in his day, he now hates me cause he has no sense of humor. fml

lol ur friend is beast!! but, are you gay? it's what ur name says

That's really hilarious. The people who gave you dirty looks are assholes.

WolfsGuns 0

I give up, this commenting system is just way too ****** up

RaIeigh 0

Don't give up #35, I feel your pain bruh.

Yeah, my comments disappeared, too. It happens.

ur friend is awesome but those ppl behind u r hella mean for giving u dirty looks.homophobes.even if u not lol