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By PissOffPottermore - 13/09/2012 14:31 - United States - Oak Lawn

Today, I was called into my son's school because he had got into a fist-fight with another pupil and I had to take him home. He clammed up about the reason behind the fight, until I finally managed to coax it out of him: the other kid is in "Hufflepuff" and he's in "Ravenclaw." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 180
You deserved it 4 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think the kid is really in Hufflepuff, that house doesn't seem like the type to fight. I think he's hiding his Slytherin ways.

The kids don't pick what house they're in, that's the Sorting Hats job.


lissa_jade 22


miwaywah 3

I'd be one proud as hell parent.

If it was Slytherin and Gryffindor, I'd understand. But Hufflepuffs are too nice, and Ravenclaws too logical, to get into fights

42 don't worry your not the only one that hates Harry Potter!

Sparks808 10

That's serious business right there. At least the fight wasn't between a Slytherin and a Gryffindor, there could've been bloodshed.

You shouldn't punish him for having a wizard duel, as long as they were only using disarming spells

Well at least it was over something important, not like the silly fights I got into when I was younger. You know like beating up the punk that jumped my friend. Or when someone stole something from me.

afairshake 8

Are you kidding me? Did you maybe just come out of your bunker after a decade?

Did you? It's a quote from "A Very Potter Musical". Very funny show - it's on YouTube, I'd recommend it.