By PissOffPottermore - 13/09/2012 14:31 - United States - Oak Lawn

Today, I was called into my son's school because he had got into a fist-fight with another pupil and I had to take him home. He clammed up about the reason behind the fight, until I finally managed to coax it out of him: the other kid is in "Hufflepuff" and he's in "Ravenclaw." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 177
You deserved it 4 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think the kid is really in Hufflepuff, that house doesn't seem like the type to fight. I think he's hiding his Slytherin ways.

The kids don't pick what house they're in, that's the Sorting Hats job.


Meow_Bitches 7

Its not that bad. :P its better than hearing your friends talk about Harry Potter 24/7 when you dont even LIKE Harry Potter one bit :/ NO OFFENSE TO ANY POTTER LOVERS

perdix 29

Looks like your friends need to find a new friend ;)

agonydrum 7

Harry potter was awesome when it first came out but the series was too slow in its progression, I'm 22 now and not that Interested in reading about children doing magic anymore lol

mimirod94 0

#133, Don't worry, I'm sure you're not the only fool who uses the wrong grammar. Edit: Or still fail to send under Noor's comment. Whatever floats your boat.

The little hufflepuffs always get picked on :( luckily we learn to sort those bullies out later on;)

All the while OP is shaking her head that her son is that much into HP and we are all backing him up LOLOLOL

It would be worse if OP's son was Slytherin and the other kid was Gryffindor!