By jakethed0g - 10/08/2011 21:37 - United Kingdom

Today, I was camping with my family, and had to share a tent with my 13 year old brother. During the night he had to pee, but instead of going outside to use the bathroom, he zipped open a section of the tent, stuck his knob through it, and peed all over my shoes that were drying outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 360
You deserved it 3 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was marking his territory. It's sanitary. :)

TripOnShoelaces 0


Ya that's a win, that's a kid wanting to urinate but is to lazy to go out side so he relieves himself on his brothers shoes win, roll the next clip Steven!

nessamarks 0

Just be glad he didn't mistake the zipper on your sleeping bag for the tent.

ugottaluvme 0

Im sorry for peeing on your shoes, but hey, ive got good distance so you should have put them closer.

#85, Op listed woman as the gender. So kid peed on his sister's shoes.

Maybe he is scared. He could be scared of the dark.. Or.. Maybe he is scared of Bigfoot!

it's weird how u refer to ur brothers dick as his "knob"... and everyone knows not to leave shoes outside the door!!!

daltyboy 0

hahaha smart he was making his taruitory so u wudnt get mauled by anythinj

FlawlessSin 5

If you think this is bad. My dad got drunk and we all slept in a ten person tent. He walked into the side of the tent at around 4 in the morning, stepped on me, woke me up, and then began peeing inside the tent and all over my sleeping bag. He then adamantly refused to believe he had done so.