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Close quarters

By aunty_social - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff

Today, I took my 5-year-old nephew camping. I was about to take him to the outhouse for a bathroom break when he flung the door of the camper open and shouted at the top of his lungs to the entire campground, "We are going to poop now!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 636
You deserved it 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the plus side, you can probably outrun the little shit in case of a bear attack.

I actually think that’s kind of adorable


On the plus side, you can probably outrun the little shit in case of a bear attack.

I actually think that’s kind of adorable

I know right? That’s the best thing about kids is that they are TOTALLY honest - gotta say I don’t think this is an FML more like an OMG did he just say that!

Yeah, definitely adorable. It reminds me of a story my boyfriend told me where he was working at a FunPlex and a little girl in a pink dress with fairy wings loudly announced "I GOTTA PEE!" she then repeated this and my boyfriend simply stated "I heard you."

LMFAO 🤣 I have Crohn's and my young kids on many occasions have yelled in public about weather daddy is or has gone poop 💩

Kids are so funny. Sounds like something that my nephew would say too. He just recently turned 6. Lol

At least he’s excited to use the toilet. I would definitely prefer that over the alternative...

moonmoon 5

Today on: “don’t have kids if you want to keep your dignity, duh”

404wan 19

this is not an fyl or ydi... that's friggin cute!