By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 01:16 - United States

Today, I was carrying some luggage downstairs to put in my car to head back to college. My brother told me my shoes were untied. He said he would tie them for me as I was carrying luggage. I fell down the stairs because he thought it would be funny to tie them together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 895
You deserved it 11 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He just wanted you to get down faster. :D

piderman13 0


ohhhhshizzz 0

Your brothers a little bitch, but don't you guys see if the OP would have bent down to tie their shoe their brother could have easily pushed him. So either way the brother is just a little twerp who wants you dead. I'd watch out, and when you have a will never put your bro into it. But its a YDI because I kne that was going to happen.

0 3

You would rather stand still holding luggage long enough for him to tie your shoelaces together than put the luggage down and tie your own shoes?? Yes, your life is ******. But you probably should have foreseen this one. You deserved it.

permission2laugh 0
hottiegirl09 0

omg tell me who hasn't done that?.........hummmm ya thought so!!!!

PurryLucy 0

What a ******* douche, you could've broken your neck.

Why would you ever let someone else tie your shoes