By MdMan2 - 04/06/2015 02:14 - United States - West Mclean

Today, I was choking on a popcorn kernel at the movie theater. Nobody helped me. The workers in there told me to leave because I was "disrupting the audience". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 450
You deserved it 2 767

MdMan2 tells us more.

MdMan2 23

OP here. The movie was the new avengers. And yea, I'm ok. Thanks for asking.

Top comments

Hope you can pop back from this salty experience .

CliffyB03 28

So choking is disruptive, but not the girl that sits next to me taking selfies with the flash on?


Distractions of TV. Stopping all from saving someone's life.

mds9986 24

You should have made a huge deal about it and had them call the ambulance and everything to really disrupt them.

MdMan2 23

Honestly, that would've caused more trouble.

mds9986 24

I wouldn't either. I didn't pay for a movie to hear somebody choke on a popcorn kernel. OP should have stepped out when he was causing a disruption. It was just a kernel. It's not like he would have died.

In our sue-happy couture, any would be do-gooder can (and probably should be) too scared to help.

Except you can't sue a person for any injuries caused while trying to save your life. At least where I live.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

That happened to me last time I went to a movie theatre. Except I held back the coughs because I was really scared that this very thing would happen. Ever choked and not been able to cough? Let's just say I was glad I had napkins because tears were streaming down my face after fifteen minutes of suppressed coughing. Didn't touch my popcorn after that. You have my sympathy!

Maybe you can go back to the avengers with a few friends and see if they can buy your ticket and skip the popcorn next time

To be fair, the most helpthey should give you is calling an ambulance (if it was that serious which it obviously wasn't or you wouldn't be here). An employee will almost never touch a customer because the company could be sued if they touch you and you decide to file sexual harassment or abuse claims. And it also is a disruption. People paying 15$ a ticket don't want to listen to you cough, why didn't you get up and go to the bathroom where you could cough it out or get someone to call for help instead of sitting in a dark theatre? The same goes to the person saying that they were crying because of suppressing their cough. Why would you suffer through that instead of going to the bathroom to cough freely?

MzZombicidal 36

Probably because they were distracted with trying to breath.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

In my case I was in the middle of a packed row and would have disrupted a lot of people by making them all stand up to let me out. It happens.

#15 - if OP was making enough noise to be kicked out for being a disruption, they were in no risk of dying from choking. It's when they choke silently that there's a problem.

wow people suck, hope you were alright in the end....i would have blasted the managers ear off!