By Anonymous - 24/03/2011 07:29 - Australia

Today, I was chosen to MC a function at work. I developed a terrible case of hiccups which made the audience giggle and groan for the duration of my time on stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 428
You deserved it 3 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UpsidedownKayak 9

You don't have to go spastic. It may be tough to stomach but I don't think you will be asked to help with any public speaking events. Just swallow your pride and move on.

cookies61889 15

shit always happens at the wrong time


ohrlynow 9

Well...props to you for sticking it out anyway. I would've said **** it and handed the mic to someone else.

Oh no! Well at least you weren't booed. It'll make a funny story later, hope someone taped it!

next time or if there is or it happens again take 2 deep breaths it works almost 99% of the time.

another method is to take 10 sips of cold water without brathing, and to restart if you hiccup or breath. my teacher told me a way which works but only if a lot of people are watching you. Someone has to tell you to say someone's of who is thinking about you, And if asked infront of many people it is most likely going to work. Anyways sorry bout that OP

Drinking from the other side of the cup is always a good one.

Autoshot 9

The only true way to vanquish your hiccups is to pour gasoline on yourself and light yourself on fire.

itsmissjox3 0

YDI for eating fast:/ I dont actually know if u ate lunch before

How did you come to that conclusion? he probably because he was nervous.

ifyouseekamy666 0

u say "hic" when u hiccup? I just squeak lol

damnalltheasshol 0

that's when u say I found this little girl wandering around and was helping her find her parents when a bug startled her

You can join Jon Lajoie's WTF collective and be MC Hiccup. Spit some hot fire on the track!

haha, sorry that's kinda funny. but sorry/:

I guess the OP didn't know about the hiccup cure of drinking a spoonful of vinegar will make your hiccups go away. and no I'm not kidding lol

never heard that before, but great information , I will try it for sure. thanks

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

Ew I think I'd rather have hiccups than drink vinegar. That just seems like it would create a whole new problem.