By Anonymous - 24/03/2011 07:29 - Australia
Same thing different taste
Living the meme
By OliviaOlive - 24/02/2025 15:00 - United States - Boston
In the bag!
By hiccups - 16/05/2021 14:02
By Kev - 23/08/2023 06:00 - Ireland
By bitchyhiccups - 19/03/2012 13:14 - United States - Tempe
By Anonymous - 23/05/2012 20:38 - United Kingdom - London
All shook up
By Mike - 15/12/2010 11:57
By socianx - 18/08/2013 21:23 - Albania
You laugh, you lose
By YOUFUCKINGFUCKSOCK - 03/11/2012 00:23 - United Kingdom - Gloucester
By ;_;" - 27/09/2013 21:33 - Lebanon - Beirut
Whta? How? Why?
By pregz - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States
Top comments
that must have sucked!
damn your sexy!
^fail isn't it the mc's job to make the crowd laugh? when I hosted the oscars I told jokes about dead babies, it was a hit.
16 - stop being a copycat... youre not Ken block...
18 I love you :D
*hic*k you all! for *hic*ing here with me. I had an *hic*ing time with you all! I hope I'm *hic*ing you again soon and you *hic*ed with your partners and friends here tonight. what would the audience think?
please insert lovely words there :)
in its container? o.o
where's my macaroni??
I'm preparing for you, have you left your place? I'm waiting.
at least they were interested
cool story bro
if you don't care then don't comment, do you think it makes you look cool when you say that? cause it makes you look like a total f**king douche.
^ owned you
no he is not a douche, he or she is right it does make for an intresting story. hater
No he/she is probably just commenting to be the first person to comment or something
at least you were making people "giggle". sometimes its okay to look like an idiot as long as people laugh.
boo! did i scare you?
Well it made me laugh.... :) there is no need to hurt people's feeling by saying their joke was unfunny, that's just cruel. Worse that stealing candy from babies or eating a dog with 3 legs..
28, are you Charlie sheen? because I sense some bipolar shit going down in your head. on the comment just above this, you chewed some guy's ass off all because he said "cool story bro". I'll admit the joke was lame but you raged. yet, here I see a smileyface..
59 exactly
you guys are just trying to pickup a fight.
70, we're not trying to pick a fight. if you think that's true, then maybe you should stay out of it next time. just saying.
I was right. did you just get out of a **** up?
hahaa dude you know I'm ******* with you right? ah, you havent seen my comments before since I've been banned. well, you must be fairly new to FML. I'll let Persian hop in here at any time an tell you what's up.
Nice contradiction 28...
83, there is no 28 on this thread -.- *drizzles sizzling hot syrup in 83's eyes*
or 83 just forgot who he was talking to.. happens all the time.
haha that's not an fml. atleast they weren't booing you?
all I said was atleast they're not booing you!
yeah sure
mods are becoming power crazy. not the first time I sawa perfectly fine comment get modded. oh s*** they could mod this and make me look like a total idiot D:
That linda weird if they groaned...
later he might have had the microphone shoved up his ass with a major hiccup following. the end . *curtain falls* *applause*

You don't have to go spastic. It may be tough to stomach but I don't think you will be asked to help with any public speaking events. Just swallow your pride and move on.
shit always happens at the wrong time