By Anonymous - 07/01/2012 02:22 - United States

Today, I was cooking with super hot ghost peppers. The package said "After handling them not to touch your eyes, nose or pets". They should've added "penis" to that list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 040
You deserved it 62 128

Same thing different taste

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meanwhile in op's head "hmmm dont touch eyes, nose, or pets, maybe i should touch my penis, just for fun." its called logic, if its gonna hurt your eyes and nose as well as your pets, why wouldnt it hurt your penis??

soccerkenzie99 2

Lol my dad did tht and told me at dinner and I was like . Um gross. Haha:)

That really should be kind of a "no derrrrr" type of thing

Track1991 0

Haha of course not. Peppers are not ones to mess with, just like bees.


I'm sorry, but I figured that would be some what obvious