By :(((( - 27/04/2011 06:54

Today, I was cuddling with my boyfriend and told him how smitten I was with him. He responded by giving me a wedgie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 196
You deserved it 7 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

3, did someone wedgie you so hard your brain stopped working?

I give my gf wedgies all e time. she loves those.


robc32ca 4

no no he thought she called him a kitten! but really how old is he? 12?

BurtonX56 0

Your just mad that you have some skidmarks on your underwear.

What a jerk! I know this is kind of a ridiculous situation, but why the hell would you do that to your gf who just obviously loves you. Give him a super one back!

WOODYfromthaBAY 0

well, what else are thong undies for? unless you were wearing granny panties, then ya fyl..

WOODYfromthaBAY 0

correction: ydi if u were wearing granny panties.

give him one back? but really, how old is he? that's childish!

robotiick 12