By :(((( - 27/04/2011 06:54

Today, I was cuddling with my boyfriend and told him how smitten I was with him. He responded by giving me a wedgie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 196
You deserved it 7 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

3, did someone wedgie you so hard your brain stopped working?

I give my gf wedgies all e time. she loves those.


maybe he was too shy to say something like that back so he gave her a wedgie to break the tension!! :D

Eiregal 7

did you actually SERIOUSLY use the word smitten though? lol

I always thought thongs were to prevent underwear from showing through clothing.... not just that some man wanted to see more ass on a female that wasn't naked... And some men wear them. But anyway, I believe 16 was JOKING. No need to take him seriously, everybody knows not all girls wear thongs. Merely a satirical comment on how many females these days dress and act kinda slutty.

you just mad cuz you came in the room and saw me ******* your dad!

pro5kid 0

did you give him head after?

MikeMikeTheAzn 3

that was probably uplifting to him when you called him that

lotay 0

mine does it all the time when I'm saying something serious. boys are boys. lol