By flea-bitten - 06/04/2013 19:41 - United States

Today, I was discussing possible career choices with my relatives. Pretty much everyone expressed the belief that I'm screwed for life, with my grandma commenting later: "She ain't even got the tits for porn. God help her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 406
You deserved it 4 444

Same thing different taste


Meh My family were the same. Stuff them. I surround myself with positive people who actually encourage me and make me feel good about myself. You can actually do great out there OP. Just believe in yourself! :)

simplysarcastics 26

What a rude and degrading thing for someone to say. But family is the same as everyone else at times, they are just people at the end if the day. Just brush it off, follow your dreams, when you come into money because you are successful they will be jealous.

Well, at least she didn't say you didn't have the face for it.

Most **** stars have horrible faces, so that'd actually be a compliment.

KingCeltic77 18

Now prove them wrong, and you won't owe them anything when you're a success.

Except maybe your foot up their ass, eh, Red?

KingCeltic77 18

I know. Steven doesn't owe his family anything, and Foreign Kid- does he even have a family wherever he's from. All they deserve is a foot in the ass.

XxTaliaxX 16

they are close enough family to get away with it, but distant enough to flat out say it. And if need be they can claim they were having a senior moment.

I could help you prove them wrong on the **** part ;)

**** that. Prove em' wrong! Show your inner pornstar!

Megan639 16

What is with all these weird grandmas???

GoodLookingGeese 10

Maybe it's the GMO fault.. ;)