By Anonymous - 14/01/2010 19:41 - United States

Today, I was dissecting a pig for my anatomy class. The smell of four day-old dead pig caused me to faint. My mom drove me home and warmed me up some left overs for lunch. It was pork chops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 264
You deserved it 4 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lyndis_fml 0

this reminded me of the trailer for the movie where they feed the baby pig bacon...


this peice of shit was actually published??

This FML isn't a piece of shit (and it's piece, not peice). A piece of shit FML is the one saying "Today, Michael Jackson died. FML". That one didn't impact the OP in any way and I think more people were relieved than sad. This FML is sad. First of all, OP fainted because they were dissecting a pig in class, and then, of all things, her mother heats up PORK chops. After such a traumatic experience, I wouldn't want to eat pork chops either. And to everyone else saying OP is a pussy/drama/queen/etc., have a heart. I had to dissect a PIG HEART in 8th grade so I know how OP feels. Dissection is barbaric anyway. Diagrams and models would suffice.

carross21 0

Cut class, not animals. Don't dissect :)

I wish I got to dissect a whole pig, I only get parts and rodents

When i fainted when they were dissecting a heart i had to stay at school, it was 1 lesson as well!! So your lucky.

Almost exactly the same thing has happened to me too, OP! But it was bacon she cooked...

marchbunny 6

That was the best part of biology, tho