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By uugnfg - 27/07/2010 04:38 - United States

Today, I was doing a job for some people on my street cutting their bushes. After I had finished and went to get my pay, I realized I had gone to the wrong house. They called the police. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 593
You deserved it 30 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Ali_Br_fml 33

#1 won't be that way for long, & seriously?! Good job op. You Failed at life. It still sucks to be you...

cantfightfate 0

who would call the police for someone doing their yardwork?

in my tummy... well, her/his comment is...

Shookitup 0
Izzy_babii 0

Lol OP was cutting the neighbors "bush"

Mickay1232 0

lol haha #51 and #67 I was thinking the same thing!! ur job is cutting someones bush lol

islandjew247 0

I was number one...for like 2 mins...yay!! :) ♥

well, when you go to a random persons house and cut off their pubic hair, what do you expect?

Izzy_babii 0

omg there's these people that live down my road and their last names are Sanchez and they let their dog kill my kitten!!!! >:(

Benelli_SkM 0
Igor_g5 0

Next time make sure you're at the right place dummy.

lickmyjock 0

at least you turned the trimmer on, right?

The stupidity of people keeps on amazing me.

nitrogirl 0

The only reason they called the police was probably so they didn't have to pay you.

how could they have not noticed someone doing their yard?.. they must of noticed him before and allowed him to continue working or something. when ever we pay someone to do ours they make alot of noise so its kind of hard not to notice ...

Maybe they thought he was a con man or a beggar, doing their lawn in hopes of getting paid afterwards. Kinda like how those charities send you free crap, then ask for a donation.