By Anonymous - 10/01/2011 19:14 - United States

Today, I was drinking a bottle of water. My friend came up from behind and scared me, causing me to inhale and choke on the water. Lacking air, I passed out. I awoke to him on the ground laughing his ass off. I almost drowned drinking a bottle of water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 337
You deserved it 4 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Creep, he didn't even help you? Shove some chili sauce down his throat and see if he revives from that. -_-

MassEffectNerd 0


that's why scaring people can be dangerous

lol same thing happened to me in school but I was able to catch my breath before I passed out but that happened to my friend, it's really scary actually

You can drown in water that's only a quarter of an inch high.

all it takes is a teaspoon of water in your lungs for you to drown

gangstagavin 0

no offence but i wish i could see that

ppriscilla 0

i choke on my spit sometimes...

how are the suppose to help? put a helmet on you and place you in a bubble?

i choked on a muffin once cause my friend was telling me a joke as i was eating it.. i feel ya, but seriously your friend is kinddof a dick for laughting at you instead of trying to help you