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By Olorin - 07/11/2011 20:49 - Germany

Today, I woke up soaked in water. It seems at some point in the middle of the night, I woke up thirsty and opened the water bottle I keep on my nightstand. I managed to drink a little, but it seems I didn't manage to put the cap back on before losing consciousness again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 864
You deserved it 5 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

txgirl09 5

OP must have been exceptionally tired to not wake up from having water spill all over him. Poor guy. :/

cj7geojeep 0

You must be a really heavy sleeper to not wake up after getting drenched in boiling hot water, OP :P


MrFancy 0

Not really... I can't seem to find the "Suck it up and stop whining." button.

thats a veryy odd conclusion you came to. are you sure you didn't just pee your pants and subconsiously blame it on your bottle of water. i bet you actualy woke up opened your bottle of water and places it next to you, in order to convince yourself that you didn't poss yourself...

ShroomsOnAcid 16

I would think anyone past age 2 should know the difference between piss and water.

That's why I'm in bed by 8.. And home by 11.. giggity

n_epic_fail 14

19- And I bet you realized your a dumb ass but just wrote it off as unique.

that was a bit bitter wasn't it please don't try to act big just because your on the Internet, Because that's pretty pathetic.

leadrunner751 3

sounds like you had a wet dream

leadrunner751 3

sounds like you had a wet dream

leadrunner751 3

sounds like you had a wet dream

leadrunner751 3

sounds like you had a wet dream

leadrunner751 3

sounds like you had a wet dream

leadrunner751 3

sounds like you had a wet dream

Gosh, you must have been really tired to not even put the cap back on.

tehrealone 6

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a lollipop? Well none If you stop trying to give it a ******** and just eat the thing

LiyIa_fml 8

I give 19 props for being creative and thinking outside the box. But, I would like to think if what 19 said did happen, OP would have posted that part as well in his FML. Makes a much more interesting story then it already was. :)

53 stop making irrelevant and pathetic comments then.

TunechiXXL 0

53 of course you would have a Lord of the Rings poster on your wall, Brilliiant! I now know why you suck at life..... Comment FAIL!

HillbillRay 1

Dis dun be a sad sitiation :(

SidekickCookie 0

I find this kind of impressive

HillbillRay 1

Yallz is sum fine fine indevidolz ;)

Nico_Belic 0

That doesn't even sound believable.

Stonedmanalex 0

yeah he probably pissed himself

tehrealone 6

This comment that I have replied to has been moderated.

You must be a really heavy sleeper to not wake up when getting drenched in cold water.

cj7geojeep 0

You must be a really heavy sleeper to not wake up after getting drenched in boiling hot water, OP :P

Toowoo 3

Why would he drink warm water??

tehrealone 6

Many different substances could be held accountable in the creation of this FML...

Streeet_hayley 6

******* ****** faggots, ban me I dare u, you chicken shit admin. click it u pussy u don't have the balls ******* asspipe.

Haven't banned me yet! Haha eat my **** u gucking Jew bitch die die die!

Well, if it was warm water, his pants are soiled

Well, if it was warm water, his pants are soiled

Well, if it was warm water, his pants are soiled

Triple post and everyone of them is a fail.

txgirl09 5

OP must have been exceptionally tired to not wake up from having water spill all over him. Poor guy. :/

Buttsexpirate 9

Could've been worse, could've pissed himself. That's where I thought it was going.

markrs 0

You're only telling half of the story OP? It's okay. We believe that "urine" water.

SuperDerp 8

Well I guess thats what you call a wet dream :()

He did not urinate, OP simply used the Aguamente spell in his sleep.

theten_fml 9

Eh it's not too bad. Sometimes my gf would wake me up really early in the morning. She'd be super wet as well

Those wet dreams really get you when you least expect it.

I said that but the comment I replied to was moderated for some reason. You win again Alquaeda

Blueocean7 19

Lol, this happened to me once too. Just thought it was funny.

It could have been worse. You could have urinated yourself.

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

What lesson? To not drink water anymore in case he falls asleep? That's a little far-fetched.

Stonedmanalex 0

125- To always put the cap back on

Yeah OP, keeping telling yourself it's water!

Keep telling yourself it's water perhaps?

flockz 19

perhaps you should just tell yourself it was water.

Thizzkidsgotgame 7

Perhaps.. We should let this string of comments die.

Perhaps we should make this string of comments longer?

dickydickman 0

Perhaps, a salad for the lady?

btstig 11