By imnotcool - 16/04/2009 05:08 - United States

Today, I was driving home from work when I saw a cop come up behind me. Nervous about my expired license, I kept checking in my rear view mirror. In turn since I wasn't paying attention, I ran a stop sign. Needless to say the cop pulled me over and gave me 2 tickets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 566
You deserved it 68 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were driving with an expired license. You absolutely deserved it. Follow the law. It isn't hard to do.

Socrates_fml 0

you'd never get caught for the expired license if you didn't run the stop sign. at least u didn't kill anyone in the crosswalk, cuz then you'd have 3 tickets


You totally deserved it GET YOUR LICENSE. And this is making me laugh. It's like that scene in the Matrix where Oracle says, "And don't worry about the vase." Neo turns to look at the vase and breaks it. Just like that... if you hadn't been so worried about the license you'd be driving properly. Though... if that's how you drive perhaps you shouldn't be behind the wheel after all.

you should've gotten three tickets. retard's aren't allowed to have a driver's license. #43 - you're gay. only a dickless shit drip would reference something as nerdy and lame as the matrix

Don't you know? Never look in the rear-view mirror when you see the po-po.

YDI for: 1) not renewing your license 2) running a stop sign and 3) freaking out just cause a cop was behind you. He never would have noticed otherwise Life tip/ moral of the story: GET YOUR LICENSE RENEWED ON TIME. # 39, "let me guess" you are a sexist dipshit. Girls can drive just as well as any guy, if not better. Oh and # 25 is even better... sexist AND racist. Buttheads.

Best line i ever heard about some dumb ass and quotas Drive - "So your giving me a ticket to fill your quota huh" officer - "Ya, if i write two more my wife gets a microwave, Have nice night"

renew your liscence! it'd be cheaper than paying the fines. haha.

Lets see... You were driving with an expired license. YDI. You ran a stop sign. There is no excuse for that. YD to be shot (OK maybe just license taken away). #46: Some girls are capable of driving very well. Some girls are more capable than some guys. I would posit that guys in general are more capable drivers than girls. That doesn't necessarily make them "safer" or "better" drivers, though. It could, but it doesn't necessarily. Specific to this case, many girls are more susceptible to panic than most guys, so it's not an invalid guess to think this was a girl. Notice I'm using generalized yet not all-encompassing statements, unlike your blanket statement of "Girls can drive just as well as any guy, if not better." Who's looking a little sexist now? Perhaps you should consider your own arguments before you speak.

jimmyb00o5 0

#46- Women should only speak when spoken to, so you're way out of line. The only reason you're in this world is to serve men. Get down on your knees and blow me. #39- High Five.

caecae 0

firstttt of all that's entirely your fault. secondly, I believe that driving with an expired liscence gets you arrested. it happened to a friend of mine. driving with an expired licence is just like no licence at all andyou don't just get a ticket for that!

This is so silly: "Needless to say the cop pulled me over and gave me 2 tickets." If it was "needless to say", then why did you say it? Some people just don't think about what they write XD