By Anonymous - 17/05/2009 03:13 - United States

Today, I was driving home. It was late and I wanted to get home so I started speeding. I didn't wanna get a ticket so I slowed down everytime I saw a car that could be a cop, judging by headlights. There was a car with a busted headlight so I sped up. Couldn't be a cop car. It could. $216 proof. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 880
You deserved it 56 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you know, that because he had a busted headlight.. you could've got him too. You may have $216 fine, but he could've lost his job over not taking good enough car of the police vehicle. :)

Ironic how you decide to break the law to get home quicker and it ends up taking longer than ever. that's why you just try to drive drive the speed limit. logically you will get home quicker, but based on what actually does happen you don't. moral of this story, just drive carefully and you will get there faster and more importantly safe.


Fun fact: Sometimes police officers use normal cars so that people won't notice them. All the more reason to drive safely all the time instead of just when you think you might get busted.

udaykataria 18

You cannot tell a cop car by their headlights. That's ridiculous. ydi