By Anonymous - 27/06/2014 20:22 - Spain - Valencia

Today, I was driving my 7-year-old daughter to school, when out of nowhere a bird smashed into the windshield. Instead of screaming or being traumatized by the gore like me, my daughter started laughing, eventually calling the bird a "stupid bastard". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 296
You deserved it 9 384

Same thing different taste


Perhaps it's time to explain that animals being killed or hurt isn't funny. Definitely don't get pets for a few years.

What does that have anything to do with this FML or my comment? There's a difference between killing an animal for food and being entertained by a gruesome death.

Bluebl4ze 16

:D..Leave it be. Ur daughter wouldn't even remember it a few days from here. Kids can be totally random at times.

The laughing instead of screaming is not a completely unnatural reaction to something so incredible. Incredible in the sense of unbelieveable. Some people react like that to the most traumatic of events. The swear words are completely on you and your hubby though...

That's pretty funny. She's right though, the bird is quite stupid for flying right into a car.

It might be time to talk with her about the situation and try to understand what she found funny about it, and where she learned to say that. Maybe somebody she knows is a bad influence for her?

absloute0 10

Make her watch a day of animal planet