By Anonymous - 26/10/2012 15:20 - United States
Same thing different taste
By actor my ass - 21/01/2012 22:44 - Canada
By skinnybitch - 11/12/2012 18:09 - Denmark - Copenhagen
By Anonymous - 12/09/2015 20:50 - United Kingdom - Brentwood
By Samantha - 30/10/2010 05:41 - United States
By pussyface96 - 19/09/2012 09:27 - Canada - Toronto
By QWERTY - 03/04/2011 23:20
They're not real
By Boyufd - 05/11/2020 17:01
By Stinky. - 09/04/2012 03:29 - United States - Chicago
By mylifeblows - 19/08/2010 06:15 - United States
By Nick - 22/05/2018 01:30
Top comments
Unlucky OP but on the bright side I am first. Just make sure it safe what ever you do plus your husband should be more like my sister and leave the room screaming
I thought these I am first comments died.
Eight Legged Freaks is a nightmare for arachnophobic people.
Sounds like he has Pygmachophobia.
Spiderman obviously.
30-I was thinking the same thing but idk if the cover has Argog on it. Does anybody know by some chance? He is probably on one of the versions
It was obviously Spider-Man.
C'mon people, use your head. We all know Charlotte's Web takes the cake.
At least he didn't make you pay for it.
86, he is the socially AWESOME penguin. You just don't see many because sadly it is a dying breed
How many more people are gonna say arachnaphobia or eight legged freaks????
100- you mean the baloney islands. baloney
Why did so many people dislike this comment? I thought it was funny lol
The human centipide? Oh god why
We are in 2012 now, why did he not just order it online, when the package came (unless he ordered something else) he would know the film was in there (but would have packaging on it) no need to even see it; so, he could have tried harder, or thought about it more.
71, you have to look at it while you are ordering it. Plus its cheaper to just buy it in the store. You dot have to pay for shipping and handling.
81- I don't know how it is for others outside of the UK, but when GAME delivers a game, the delivery is free. Besides, if you get scared over a digital picture of a spider, then that is pathetic.
92, you think being afraid of a digital image of a spider is pathetic? The fact that he's afraid of a box is more sad to me.
"Severely arachnaphobic" Kinda hints at the fact that the very image of a spider will send him into a panic attack.
He should have bought you something else. Maybe something both of you can enjoy.
I'm confused by this FML...
Perhaps he should have given you a present that he wasn't deathly afraid of...
No movie is more terrifying than the room
Nothing is scarier than the acting in The Room.
But a movie about spiders is certainly scarier. Which would you rather find under your bed, a big hairy spider or Tommy Wiseau?
71) Nothing is scarier than the acting in Twilight.
108, clearly you've never seen The Room. It's so bad it makes Twilight look like a cinematic masterpiece. The dialogue is terrible, the music is terrible, the plot is terrible, it's all just awful. It was filmed in order and you can see the female lead gaining weight over the fact that she's starring in the worst movie ever made and that it's just this side of soft core ****. One actor just up and quit mid movie and they brought in a new character to say the rest of his lines and never explain who the new dude is. It has about a billion subplots that are mentioned once and then are never mentioned again, like how Lisa's mother (Lisa is the main female character) was diagnosed with breast cancer. You'd think that would be something that would come up at least once or twice during the rest of the movie but no, you never hear a word about it again.
It could be worse, at least he did try, and tried again.
I suppose it's your favourite movie because you enjoy watching your husband squirm at the sight of it, isn't it OP :P
What movie was it? Charelotte's Web?
Hheeyyy!! Good one :D
Charlotte would see Op's boyfriend and right "Puss" on her web.
It was Never Say Never.
Ahhh!! Did you say it was Never Say Never!!! Quick burn it with fire before it moves!!!!
Spiderman. Or spiderpig.
the human centipede
Honolulu crunch Christ
His spidey senses were tingling

Spiderman obviously.
C'mon people, use your head. We all know Charlotte's Web takes the cake.