By snowlover - 16/02/2014 07:37 - United States - Fremont

Today, I was driving through the mountains and there was a chain requirement. I went to put them on and found a note where my chains used to be saying, "Have fun in a blizzard now bitch" from my ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 735
You deserved it 6 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glad he's your ex. What a dick! FYL indeed.

I almost never say damage someone else's vehicle...... But in this case a few dead fish in the trunk of his/her car is the best revenge.


A) we don't know what caused op's relationship to fail so we can't tell if it might have been called for B) we can assume op did not check to make sure the chains were in the proper spot before leaving to drive in snowy conditions where chains may be required, therefore it is op's fault they didn't have the chains when they arrived at the area the chains were needed.

He stole her personal property and if she tries to drive now, she could be putting herself in serious danger. If she stays out there, she could get seriously ill, or even get hypothermia from the cold if she didn't have shelter. This is not only stupid on his part, but it could seriously get someone killed. If you want to take revenge in a deviant manner, key their car, but don't do something like this, it could get someone seriously hurt. It doesn't matter how they broke up taking this sort of thing into consideration, you shouldn't be this stupid. Also, you don't have the right to steal someone's property just because you aren't happy with them after a relationship failure. If I never take my chains out of my car for the specific purpose of always having them, why should I assume that they suddenly disappeared from my car? I shouldn't. If I made it off that mountain, I'd simply go to her place and break a window or something. You want to screw me over in the cold, enjoy your drafty home.

Snowday_MAE 6

OP here. first of all the reason why I didn't check for the chains is because they're in the trunk of my suv and have been for about a year or so. (I live in California and rarely use them) second of all the reason he took them I'm assuming is because before we broke up we were supposed to go to the snow but I caught him cheating on me and went by myself. can't think of any other reason. But since we were living together I'm assuming he went to the car and took them out of anger for the next time I went to the mountains. I'm fine though, just had to spend $200 to get new ones since there were no open stores :) karma is a bitch, right?

I am wondering why you didn't check the chains before heading to the mountains. Surely you would do pre journey checks before heading up a big ol' mountain....

I guess its safe to say... your trip plans now have a chink in their chain!

Pensu 12

Your ex sounds like a complete psychopath. No matter how badly the breakup went, passive aggressive attempts on your life are not warranted.

I have to wonder if you were really a bitch or if he's a dick...or both...

jweb1434 6

They must really hate you. Guessing OP is a guy and the ex is a girl