By snowlover - 16/02/2014 07:37 - United States - Fremont

Today, I was driving through the mountains and there was a chain requirement. I went to put them on and found a note where my chains used to be saying, "Have fun in a blizzard now bitch" from my ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 735
You deserved it 6 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glad he's your ex. What a dick! FYL indeed.

I almost never say damage someone else's vehicle...... But in this case a few dead fish in the trunk of his/her car is the best revenge.


While I'm not sure whether you could take this very far in a criminal court, considering the actual damages were only for the theft of the chains (attempted murder is likely not gonna happen with a case like this where I'm assuming you weren't injured or nearly injured), you absolutely have grounds for a civil case. Hopefully you took pics of the road conditions and the note (which I also hope you saved), filed a police report for the theft, and will be seeing a lawyer soon to file your initial complaint! Good luck and get some $$ out of that bastard!

bigdfootball97 24

And THAT is why I don't date…(that's not really why) :'(

ArielTheMermaid 17

I hope you called the cops, especially because he left a note as proof

considering that OP wrote the FML she probably made it safely to her destination.

I'm pretty sure that is something you have to check off in your pretrip. Your fault.

If you take some pliers you can rip the valves out of his tires. Minimal property damage, but unless he can dismantle a tire/wheel assembly at home he'll have to tow it somewhere for new valves.

He left you a note, you have proof, get the asshole charged!

Hopefully you got new chains for your car. As for your ex, you are well rid of that scumbag, and the note shows that it's a good thing you aren't dating this person anymore.