By snowlover - 16/02/2014 07:37 - United States - Fremont

Today, I was driving through the mountains and there was a chain requirement. I went to put them on and found a note where my chains used to be saying, "Have fun in a blizzard now bitch" from my ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 735
You deserved it 6 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glad he's your ex. What a dick! FYL indeed.

I almost never say damage someone else's vehicle...... But in this case a few dead fish in the trunk of his/her car is the best revenge.


skittyskatbrat 19

So, let's see. Theft, harassment, and possibly endangerment. Yeah, time to call the cops. That's not a nasty note under your windshield or a rude text message. Sorry, but so glad you aren't dating him any more!!!!

I hope you are alright! Also, you could get your ex in a nice, big ol pile of shit for this. I can't wait to see what you do next, just use gloves and bleach... Jk

No, it can't. She would just simply not drive due to not having chains on her tires.

I'm not gonna say anything because you could be the bad one or he could....

You should give the ex swimming lessons to go with those chains. But always check your gear before hitting the road.

asianmp 9

First, I am impress that you know how to put snow chains on the tires. And second, once you get out of the blizzard, get two dump trucks of snow and dumped it on top of your ex vehicle. And throw some water on, so the snow mountain turn to ice. .

ivanhoe4u 3

Report her to the police for theft. She was dumb enough to leave a note telling you she took them.

Op is a woman. So I believe the ex is a male.

#61: Why are you assuming that the ex is female? Some men can be just as depraved as some women (not to mention that OP is female, as stated below the FML).

iloveyou846 2

Now take into consideration that we don't know the back story. Maybe she did something that was terrible. You never know.

squideth 18

So? She's the victim of theft. That's not how mature adult reacts to a breakup.