By snowlover - 16/02/2014 07:37 - United States - Fremont

Today, I was driving through the mountains and there was a chain requirement. I went to put them on and found a note where my chains used to be saying, "Have fun in a blizzard now bitch" from my ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 735
You deserved it 6 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glad he's your ex. What a dick! FYL indeed.

I almost never say damage someone else's vehicle...... But in this case a few dead fish in the trunk of his/her car is the best revenge.


KinkyCurly 13

That's Messed up, but funny as hell!

Putting life at risk does not worth for a vengeance. Your ex is just plain ignorant and mean

TheDrifter 23

Op's life's not really at risk, driving without chains when they are required is illegal, so basically the crime is petty theft and an inconvenience on op's time as they won't be able to legally travel that route until conditions improve or new chains are acquired.

ThomasBombadil 31

If you bring it up to them in anger they will know they succeeded in their bullshit. Do the Jedi thing and relax and let it go. Lashing out will only encourage more of the same.

Going the Jedi route gets you and your order wiped out . You should go the sith route and get revenge preferably in a way using force lightning lol

JMichael 25

What OPs ex did was bad, but i bet OP had to do something pretty bad for him to do that.

Yeah, it's not like we already have enough victim-blaming in our society!

Lil_Red777 21

So if a burglar robs your house, then I guess you did something to deserve that right?

Sadly if someone breaks into your house and hurts themselves on the glass they broke or say your dog bites them, our "system"allows them to sue you AND win...

threer 30

One man tried to rob a lady in her apartment and fell out of the window, breaking his arm. He sued and he won. True story.

Ex for a reason? But seriously that's just cruel...hope you got through it all or could get a cheep pair that will be a good replacement for this trip...

trellz17 19

So he took something from you that could save you from potentially perilous weather conditions? That's not cool at all, seriously