By drfrogpepper - 01/01/2011 23:50 - United States

Today, I was dumped by the guy who serenaded me with his guitar and admitted he had feelings for me. Why? Because the girl who had continuously been rejecting him for so long finally decided to give him a chance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 086
You deserved it 3 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ICaughtFire 4

Well not that you care, but I have to agree with KaySL. The guy shouldn't have pursued a relationship with OP, knowing that he had feelings for someone else. It was very unfair to her, and she ended up hurt in the end. Not to mention that KaySL has the brains to properly capitalize a word here and there.


I agree that his behaviour is deplorable but OP is 16....How long does a relationship really last at that age? The odds were never in her favour.

At 16, there is no way someone who serenades you or showers you with roses truly has that depth of feeling it implies.

Try serenaded, many gifts bought, secrets told, beautiful romantic chases under the moonlight by the oceanside... The death of his best friend in detail, having him tell you no one has ever cared for him so much, so real, so physical and mental all at once, you're perfect....... but my ex who I complained about for 8 months before spending this amazing time with you is somehow better despite the fact the condemns me and my life <--- guy. Yea... I almost left my entire life and family behind for this man. Douche...

aw.. i'm sorry. well you're too good for him! don't worry about him.. he's probably a schmuck anyways

now you should convince the other girl to dump him later >:) who's with me?? anyone ??

dealerdon 0

don't worry he will get his that chick will probably treat him like shot or dump his ass right away karma is a bitch

The same exact thing happened to me except i was the guy and now i want the girl back yet she has a boyfriend, all u guys are right

So the guy must be named Neil Goldman, you must be Cecelia, and the other girl must be Meg Griffin. Am I right? This totally reminded me of an episode of Family Guy :] On a serious note, he isn't worth your time. It seems like he just used you to make her jealous. If it's any consolation, that women is clearly an idiot to have fallen for it, and he is a manipulative asshole who I'm sure would have pulled more manipulative bullshit later on in the relationship. Seriously, you didn't lose anything worth missing. I know it sucks right now, but you are way better off.

Oh, god, that sucks...That asshole deserves to have that guitar rammed up his sorry ass. Though that'd be sad for the guitar. Seriously, though, being a rebound sucks, even more so when you get dropped right after BECOMING a rebound. FYL and I hope you find a guy who deserves you and won't pull that shit.