By empress gleskizor the third of glarkon - 18/04/2016 18:12 - Hungary - Budapest

Today, I was eating an onion bagel and bit down on something hard. At first I thought was a really hard piece of onion. The "onion" turned out to be a tooth, and it wasn't one of mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 565
You deserved it 1 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate to be an American stereotype, but I would sue. That shit's nasty and dangerous

Put it under your pillow and trick the tooth fairy! super gross though. I just hate the feeling of biting on something unexpectingly hard.


What in tarnation is an onion bagel? Sounds nasty.

Heretic. Onion bagels are delicious savory rings of heaven, given to us by the same god that graced the earth with Funyuns and sour cream and onion flavored dips and chips.

I saw your country in FML post and i chuckled as it reads hungry sometimes.

That happened to me a few years ago. Was eating a chocolate cake, was delicious..minus the tooth inside that did not come from my mouth.

BillysBurgers 5

How the hell does human teeth keep ending up in our food? O_o

Mooglefox 23

OMG... That's just plain nasty. I would definitely be suing someone and going to the doctor and get any & all antibiotics they can give you. I feel horrible for you!!! Well, I guess now you know your day can only get better from that experience!!! Good luck.?