By empress gleskizor the third of glarkon - 18/04/2016 18:12 - Hungary - Budapest

Today, I was eating an onion bagel and bit down on something hard. At first I thought was a really hard piece of onion. The "onion" turned out to be a tooth, and it wasn't one of mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 565
You deserved it 1 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate to be an American stereotype, but I would sue. That shit's nasty and dangerous

Put it under your pillow and trick the tooth fairy! super gross though. I just hate the feeling of biting on something unexpectingly hard.


Oh my good god.... I would probably vomit.

That's just nasty!! I hope wherever you bought it from compensated you.... Although I don't think they would be willing to pay for psych help long enough to get over that!

I hear about things like this happening way too often... What, do food factory workers just lose teeth on a regular basis? Are they children growing their adult teeth?

Well... I used to love onion bagels.

We went on a trip, stopped at a restaurant in Overland Park Kansas, My husband ordered a pasta dish. At some point he bit on something hard. It was a metal piece of wire, made him bleed. The manager rushed over and said a piece of pasta basket broke off, said we could eat or drink anything we wanted for free. We ate dessert and drank until they closed. No lawsuit and good memories. The worst part was that the manager picked up the bloody piece of wire with a bare hand. Yuck, luckily my husband has no gross diseases.