By MJ3105 - 07/05/2009 11:36 - Israel

Today, I was eating at a restaurant patio with a few friends. After the waitress cleaned up our table there was a drop of mayonnaise on the table. I wiped it with my finger and licked it. It wasn’t mayo, it was bird shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 172
You deserved it 153 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

youmakemyday_fml 0

ughh...why would you eat something that landed on the table anyway?? wouldn't you wipe it off with a napkin...

ozymandias_fml 0

You are a disgusting person. Even if it was mayo, that is disgusting. Who a) eats random condiments they find b) especially when splattered on a disgusting public table?


ehomz 0

this is just gross. why were you eating mayo that was on the table.

ewwwww :S how could u do that? :S:S disgusting !

first of all, why would you even wipe off anything from a restaurant table and eat it? didn't your parents teach you that tables in public places are dirty? i wouldn't even pick up a fry and eat it off a restaurant table, let alone one that's outside on a patio. YDI

wtf? okay first of all bird shit usually has black in it. secondly YDI because who the **** wipes any kind of anything off a TABLE...especially an OUTSIDE table...and eats it? ydi. ydi.ydi.

what i want to know, is why you thought eating it would be a proper clean-up

Eww, and thats why you dont eat random stuff off of tables.

Doesn't FML have enough goddamn bird shit stories? I've seen a lot of good ones I modded unchosen because the person didn't say FML or something. What the hell?

you ******* deserved it for eating things off the table at a PUBLIC restaurant. doesn't matter if the waitress JUST cleaned it. its still disgusting.