By MJ3105 - 07/05/2009 11:36 - Israel

Today, I was eating at a restaurant patio with a few friends. After the waitress cleaned up our table there was a drop of mayonnaise on the table. I wiped it with my finger and licked it. It wasn’t mayo, it was bird shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 172
You deserved it 153 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

youmakemyday_fml 0

ughh...why would you eat something that landed on the table anyway?? wouldn't you wipe it off with a napkin...

ozymandias_fml 0

You are a disgusting person. Even if it was mayo, that is disgusting. Who a) eats random condiments they find b) especially when splattered on a disgusting public table?


jumpgurl23 0

YDI!! Why the hell did you lick something off a public table in the first place????!!!

i bet you chew used gum you find under tabletops too. you sound like a winner.

why on Earth would you want to lick something that's been on the table? mayo is distgusting, what's even more disgusting than mayo is the fact that someone would lo0ve it enough to wipe it off the table, and suck their finger. YDI

gross mayonnaise YDI ughughughugh so grossed out

I dont understand why you ate something off the table anyway, surely that's almost as bad as it being birdy poo.

@ #127: at least you didnt wipe something off the table, thats truly a fyl, but this is just disgusting. i want to meet this person so i can punch this in the head repeatedly.

coffeennicotine 0

That would be disgusting even if it were mayonnaise. YDI for being gross.

c'mon, are you really that stupid! wow, YDI for doing that on a table in a restaurant outside- and for not noticing it was bird shit BEFORE you so abruptly stuck it in your mouth