By Anonymous - 10/10/2010 21:47 - Canada

Today, I was eating Jell-O and was reading a fact website, when I read that gelatin is made from the collagen in cow or pig bones. I'm vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 529
You deserved it 68 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing you haven't been a vegetarian too long. Any respectable vegetarian knows gelatin is made from animals. YDI

kellanlvr 1

I learned that in 2nd grade -___-


atletegurl10 0

Its actually made of horse bones too, which is why I don't any gelatin products

hupplepuffbabe 0

Oh my god don't you just hate it when that happens? I'm vegetarian also, but I love it.

Rheannon 0

Well technically its not meat.... Sooo yeah....

dude that wuld be a vegan not vegetarian

You deserve it for being a vegetarian!! Look at your teeth. We are meant to eat meat and veggies!!! Omnivores bitch!

DUHHHHH. Every selfrespecting vegetarian knows that!

RedPillSucks 31

After hearing the screams of the rutabaga as the farmer pulls it from the ground, I'm not so sure about vegetarianism. Something has to die for OP to live, so OP draws the line at some arbitrary level of sentience and decides to eat only plants. Others have drawn the line higher and eat primarily herbivores. Others rise to the level of Dahmer and erase the line completely. So OP is being a little hypocritical with their vegetarian beliefs. They should really just eat hippos. All hail the mighty perdix.

I can't belive OP did'nt know that, oh yeah and hamburger comes from a hamburger tree too. Lmao. Fyl op

Vegetarianism makes no sense. Vegetarians still cause the exploitation of animals and animals are still slaughtered. What do you think happens to Bessy when she can't give milk anymore (milk that she gives only after repeated artificial inseminations)? Oh, and where do you think veal comes from? What do you think egg hen operations do with male chicks? Anyone who says "look at our canines" as evidence that we were meant to eat meat hasn't done much research. Gorillas have gigantic canines and are herbivores. Real omnivores, like dogs, are physically unable to get arteriosclerosis (even if they eat a stick of butter every day). Obviously, that isn't true for us. Regardless of any role that the consumption of animal products did or did not have on our prehistoric evolution (evolution which has led to the invention of agriculture, mind you) is no longer relevant. May I succinctly explain why: Ethology (the study of animal behavior) has shown that animals aren't just mindless automata (this isn't the 16th century anymore) and many animals, especially vertebrates, have the ability to feel joy, pain, and fear and experience qualities such as playfulness and exhibit a desire to continue living; nutrition science has unequivocally shown that human beings do not need ANY animal products (not meat, nor milk, nor eggs) to live and be healthy; and ecological studies have shown time and time again that livestock production account for a huge percentage of greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. If you want to help animals, stop exploiting them merely for the sake of your own pleasure and go vegan. Honestly, the hardest part is having to hear people say things like, "derp derp derp i eats teh meatz cuz of my k9s." The rest of it is really quite easy. But don't believe things just because of FML comments. Do your research. Try Googling "livestock environmental effects" or "milk and veal" or "heart disease reversal plant-based diet" or "pig intelligence."

lol well said. And i thought I wrote huge comments. maybe write a book?? :)

This. I'm veggie right now, but I'm making strides toward veganism, for this exact reason. :3

To be fair, your argument seems to be solely aimed at those who practice vegetarianism for moral or ethical anti-cruelty reasons. But plenty of people have motivations other than those related to animal rights. If I'm wrong about how I'm interpreting your comment, my apologies; I'm a bit looped up on Benedryl ATM. Also, as an aside, anyone who has ever owned a ferret already knows about animals' capacity for joy, playfulness, sadness, fear, etc. They're expressive little buggers; just look up "ferret wardance" or "ferret fooling" to see what I mean. ^_^ AFAIK, there's no biological reason for many of their expressive behaviors.

Regardless of whether it's for environmental, moral, or health reasons, vegetarianism still doesn't make sense. Milk and eggs have protein, yes, but they are also filled with cholesterol (which is not found at all in plant foods and is not needed by the body) and saturated fat. There's even humanitarian reasons that support veganism over vegetarianism. Did you know that in the US alone we feed enough grain to livestock every year to feed 800 million people? Livestock which produce not just meat, but also milk, cheese, eggs, etc. David Pimentel of Cornell has done a great deal of research on this. Whether it's for the animals, the environment, your health, or to help humans, I don't see any way that vegetarianism makes sense. I'm not hating on vegetarians-- most vegans were vegetarians at some point. But if I could do it over again, I would be vegan from the start. I just wish people had been honest with me instead of only rabbling on about how "meat is murder." Yes, meat is murder, but animals that produce milk and eggs arguably suffer even more AND they eventually are killed for meat anyway. In my experience, these are the same people who wear leather shoes while complaining about how cruel fur is...