By Anonymous - 25/04/2013 15:10 - Canada - Midland

Today, I was excited for my first date in a while, with a "tall handsome business man." Turns out he "doesn't feel emotions anymore", likes getting peed on, and "doesn't do condoms." Thanks, internet dating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 969
You deserved it 15 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You just have to understand Internet dating lingo. "Tall handsome man" means "short ugly freak". "Hot blonde" means at least 350 pounds. And when they actually admit to being freaky, run.

lhazz11 23

Sounds like he wouldn't need to worry about the condoms, he isn't getting laid anyways.


Yeah, you're getting trolled. That sounds like the guy from 50 Shades of Gray

Well sounds like a shower after this date would be golden

So...... am I the only one who's wondering if she pissed on him or not?

If they are too good to be true they usually are

graphicstyle7 17

I dated on the internet for four years. I also found my husband (who I've been very happily living with now for going on three years) online. Don't assume it's some sort of "last resort" to find a date online. It's actually extremely common... it's just easier to find what you want. Be patient, learn that some people are so immature, they lie online, but keep at it and you WILL meet winners as well as some losers.

This dating site did a piss poor job of finding u a match…

Thestem 6

lol piss on the creep, & then a huge dump Lmao

This sounds like an episode of Baggage!

X_Codes 11

So THAT'S why anyone even remotely interesting ignored me...

surfergirl72 7

That's not okay, Cupid! Think how much better online dating would be if everyone would fess up their personal brand of freak. Sorry, OP.