By Anonymous - 15/12/2009 08:10 - United States

Today, I was excited when I saw a missed call. It wasn't my ex-boyfriend finally willing to talk, it was the creepy guy I met on the bus in November who I haven't seen since but has written me poetry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 146
You deserved it 6 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if you gave him your mobile number then YDI. If however he is stalking you and thats how he got your number then FYL indeed. The first seems more likely so I'm going to go with YDI

ParaplegicPony 0

I agree. Don't give out your number and then complain that he's calling you. If a girl gives a guy her number he generally thinks that she is interested so he will probably call. YDI.


WTf are you giving some creepy guy on the bus your phone number? YDI.

Rather than restating the obvious, I'll just say that it's amusing that here's yet another girl who pines for a guy she can't have instead of one who writes her poetry.

ex is gone, new romantic lover is here.. whats the problem? i mean u even gave him ur number..

I was getting on here to mention that YDI because you gave him your number...but I feel like that's already been mentioned? Haha

You know, it's possible he got her number from a different means, called and left a voicemail, thus allowing her to determine the nature of the number. Just saying, you know, in her defense.

Based on your account name it makes sense why you would defend her.

perdix 29

I'm sure there is going to be an FML soon from the guy you have been stalking. Today, this creepy girl I met on the bus in October keeps insisting I'm her boyfriend (*gag* vomit!). She ought to go out with that equally disgusting poet who also lurks on the bus. **** their ugly lives!

fobchick 0

You know I don't speak Spanish, in English please!

What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole... wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Hey I'm not even mad. I'm impressed. That's amazing.

peroxideprincess 0

I don't get call the dude a creeper but you were excited when you saw the missed call? and how the hell did he get your number? O_o

A lot of phones only display that there was a missed call, but don't show the phone number. She could have thought it was her ex, but then listened to her voicemail or looked up the details of the call and found out it was the creepy bus guy. I've gotten that several times...I miss a call and when I first check my phone I get all excited that it's someone I've been wanting to talk to..and then it turns out to be the collection agency, after my hospital bills again. >_< And unless she gave him her number, I'd say she has a stalker on her hands. Restraining order, OP. Get one. Now.

awww babe, i hope you get to sort things out with the ex-bf. But don't get your hopes up. I feel you though. (not abt the creep, i hope you did not give him your no. to begin with)

Batman4890 0

**** ur bf! this guy obv likes u better! u shud go for the creep!