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By bruhskoni - 31/05/2015 02:25 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was exhausted due to staying up all night practicing for the most important performance of my orchestral career. I decided to take a nap to energize myself in preparation of the evening and woke up just in time to realize I'd missed the entire concert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 470
You deserved it 11 577

bruhskoni tells us more.

Haha, yeah. I did set an alarm, but I was so exhausted I slept right through it and my clock turns itself off after about 20 minutes. I'm also studying for finals so it's just been a very awful stressful time period. To all of you guys saying YDI, you're totally right. I spread myself too thin and didn't adequately prepare, so it was all my fault. Luckily it was a small ensemble performance, and 2nd chair took my place, rather than a big solo, so it wasn't the end of the world that I missed it, but it was a big opportunity to exhibit my talent. There will be more to come though, and I will make sure not to be sleep deprived! Also to all y'all saying "sorry for your neighbors", luckily my school's music building has very nifty sound proof practice rooms which I spend a lot of Time in. Thank you all for your support and I'm mad excited this got published. To anybody else who also just suffered through/is taking finals, may luck be on your side!

Top comments

Even though this is an FML, set an alarm clock next time!


Even though this is an FML, set an alarm clock next time!

BlockOfRedStone 25

Sometimes setting 5 alarms all 5 minutes apart from each other doesn't even work if you're a deep sleeper.

Op should get a classic twin bell alarm clock. I was to the point that nothing would make me up and I bought one of those and now I almost have a heart attack every time the thing goes off

If OP felt so unprepared for their performance that they needed to stay up all night in order to practice then they deserve it 100%. Should have practiced more the prior week so they could get a good nights sleep before the big day so sleeping through the concert wouldn't have even been a possibility.

#10 I can totally relate to that as a college student

If it was so important, it's possible there might not even be a "next time."

35 - If it was that important I doubt they were totally unprepared. They could probably play it fine before, they just wanted to get as much practice in as possible. Probably nervous too.

@35 Have you ever had to memorize any sort of sheet music? Practice makes perfect, OP could've practiced for weeks beforehand and an all nighter for more practice would still have an imperfection.

"This is true" was directed at 66 btw

Well damn that sucks but you can't have good without some bad :) you'll get another chance

I'm sorry, I'm confused. What about this was good again?

You clearly know nothing about the music industry... He/she will likely NEVER get a chance like this again due to the competitive attitude of the music industry.

yeah, it's very unlikely OP will get to sit in another preformance. Empty chairs reflect really bad on them and ruin the overall sound (according to my old drama teacher that loves preformances like this) so they will likely find someone new to fill it.

Oh shit, that is 100% your fault. If you're tired and have something important, I suggest some sort of caffeine, maybe some cocaine. You know, whatever works

Why is this down voted? I think it's hilarious.

tiredteenager 16

This guy is a low key crackhead lmao

ChristianH39 30

Hey different strokes (literally if you're on coke) for different folks lol

Nah, meth works better. Sure, you won't have any more teeth afterwards, but it's a small price to pay, yeah?

I find I always get the best sleep when it is at a time I need to be somewhere important.

Haha, yeah. I did set an alarm, but I was so exhausted I slept right through it and my clock turns itself off after about 20 minutes. I'm also studying for finals so it's just been a very awful stressful time period. To all of you guys saying YDI, you're totally right. I spread myself too thin and didn't adequately prepare, so it was all my fault. Luckily it was a small ensemble performance, and 2nd chair took my place, rather than a big solo, so it wasn't the end of the world that I missed it, but it was a big opportunity to exhibit my talent. There will be more to come though, and I will make sure not to be sleep deprived! Also to all y'all saying "sorry for your neighbors", luckily my school's music building has very nifty sound proof practice rooms which I spend a lot of Time in. Thank you all for your support and I'm mad excited this got published. To anybody else who also just suffered through/is taking finals, may luck be on your side!

sorry that you missed your performance and thats awesome that you have such a positive attitude and good luck on your future performances.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

as soon as you said nap I saw it coming.

I'm sorry to hear that OP. But rest is always crucial. Naps before something big are never good

Sorry to hear that OP! Hopefully you get another shot at an important performance!