By Anonymous - 04/04/2014 17:26 - Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo

Today, I was feeling adventurous and decided to freeball it to school. As I went to sit down during first class, I managed to sit on my own balls, scream, then collapse on the floor gasping. My teacher thought I was screwing around and gave me detention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 097
You deserved it 20 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Scubanaut 13

I'm missing the adventure in this situation?


Lol that's pretty funny. I would say explain what happened to the teacher but that would be awkward.

That's the worst...hope you can explain and get out of the detention...

This really is a YDI because damn. Any guy with the knowledge of what pain can incur down there learns VERY fast how they can sit to avoid this. I, however never had the opportunity to learn from such misfortune.

DatWeirdoDoe 9

No offense but i couldnt help but laugh. How do u sit on your own balls??

You must have grapefruits cause never have I sat on mine.

classiceagle63 16

That was a very ballsy idea.

Free Balling: Going commando or not wearing underwear. Your balls are "free". And yes, it is possible to sit in your own testicles and is painful.