By fingerfuckd - 29/04/2009 15:47 - Canada

Today, I was fingering my girlfriend. When suddenly she started crying at the peak of her orgasm, when I asked what was wrong, she replied. "I-I-I MISS HIM!" She was crying about her ex boyfriend. While I was inside her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 166 710
You deserved it 13 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sbcpunkrocker 0

that's your cue to leave her, run away as fast as you can


GabriLee 0

Everyone is saying to run, though that's not necessarily the best plan. Everyone says she's not worth it, but did you ever think she is? Not all girls suck, you know. Maybe she thought she was ready for a relationship, but wasn't. Bad timing to have emotions, but you can't control it if you're going to cry. Don't be so quick to call her a bitch. FMLs leave out the whole story because of character limits and if the whole story was there, it wouldn't be funny. I don't say run. I say you should break up, but no need to never talk to her again. She's just still in love. And for those of you suggesting wiping fingers on her face: You're disgusting. If anyone ever did that to me, I'd kick them so hard they'd be damaged for life.

bahahah 0

haha! I think #27 has a great point...

haha that chick is so much like this one sorry # 113, you got me curious

haha that chick is so much like this one sorry # 113, you got me curious

haha.. no way! When She was about to ****** she CRIED! HILARIOUSSSSSSS! lol She probably needs to get over him and you need to change the way you finger her cuz it seems you're doing it no way different than her ex ;) here's this very good ebook that might help! lol ;) check my comment link Good luck next timeeeeee.. looooooool

umm this is hillarious and extremely sad all at the same

cdonnae 0

woww what a crazy b*tch. definitely leave her.