By fingerfuckd - 29/04/2009 15:47 - Canada

Today, I was fingering my girlfriend. When suddenly she started crying at the peak of her orgasm, when I asked what was wrong, she replied. "I-I-I MISS HIM!" She was crying about her ex boyfriend. While I was inside her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 166 710
You deserved it 13 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sbcpunkrocker 0

that's your cue to leave her, run away as fast as you can


danzem 0

awwww. you guys are mean! poor girl.

Was this the first time you made her come? Our bodies and minds do work in strange ways sometimes, especially in orgasms when the emotions are at their most intense. The first time a guy made me come after a break up, my cheating lying loser of an "ex" popped into my mind too, especially the time I bailed my eyes out after he left me. I guess the only difference is I didn't start crying and telling the new guy what I was thinking. Everyone is a little caught up in history. The point is not to let it affect your present relationship. Your girl sounds like she's got a lot to work on still.

wh0regasm 0

Well she probably isn't crazy like most are saying (a lot of people miss their ex's) BUT LEAVE HER. She clearly still loves him and its not worth it to ruin the relationship. I would get out now.

That sucks...she definitely was not getting off if she was about to cry!! You just thought she was...girls are good at faking it.

Same thing basically happened to me last summer, but instead of my finger, it was my penis lol.

if you really like her stay and she will begin to like you over him. i still love my first ex but have still dated other girls its been almost a year since we broke up.

She should of asked where you were. You should have been out of there so fast after that one.