By John - 30/06/2012 05:08 - United States - Watertown

Today, I was fired for using violence and intimidation in the work place. I was a bouncer at a strip club. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 404
You deserved it 3 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn what better job is there than a strip club ... You get to see boobies ...

Don't worry, there are better jobs out there for you:)


Explain to your boss that that's the point of a bouncer people should be intimidated because then they won't try to cause problems

The point in a bouncer isn't to intimidate. It's to protect customers from people that are being twats. If the OP did a lot of unneccessary punching where he could have restrained then he should have been fired. and that's assuming the people he was violent with and intimodated were being twats.

23: it's sad to see the Internet turn stupider with your every comment.

baubabe05 3

How the hell are you supposed to act then?! LOL I'm sure you'll find something better soon! (:

Who were you being violent and intimidating towards? Because if it's the strippers I get why they would fire you. :-P

that's pretty stuffed considering your job involves violence and intimidation , that sucks OP hope u get a new job soon

dog1999 2

Great bra pic. Goes well with this fml

Ur employer probably don't know the definition of bouncer

"A person hired by an establishment to prevent troublemakers from entering or to eject them from the premises." There is no need for bouncers to use violence.

They're supposed to intimidate so the troublemakers shut their goddamn mouths and don't cause any trouble in the first place.

*doesn't I'm sorry. It's worse than a you're/your mistake.

63, While that's great in theory, try not using violence on a drunken jackass who is threatening or acting out physically toward yourself or anyone else. Find someone and ask them to attack you on the street, then when you get out of the hospital you can let me know how you went with not using violence. With the bullshit people pull these days I'd be surprised to find any bouncer who hasn't once had to do this on some jackass who seriously had it coming.

Next time, just ask ask someone to leave by saying, "Oh, pretty please, sir, won't you please leave? Please? With sprinkles on top? It would make me so happy! Thank you!" and see how they respond.

xStaciexLynnx 15

I don't think there will be a next time since, you know, he's now fired.

Well, the first go should be, "I'm sorry sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," and if the twat won't leave voluntarily *then* use physical force to remove him from the premises. More and more bouncers are being asked to use negotiating and "people" skills rather than physical force to defuse situations. People who've been forcibly ejected from places have successfully sued the establishments in question for their injuries, alleging excessive use of force, and have won. And I can see their point--the bouncer should use no more force than necessary to remove the person from the premises and to ensure the safety of the staff and the other patrons. The job at hand is to keep everybody safe--including the person who's causing problems. Increasingly, especially in Australia, apparently, places are employing *female* bouncers because women tend to be better at the "soft skills" than men, and both men and women are more likely to comply with verbal requests from women, lessening the need for physical force in the first place.

Oh the irony!! Hope you find a better job!

brevolorio 5

Good luck at unemployment office they pay more if you bounce for them some people may give you better tips and you can't get fired