By confusedphotographer - 19/04/2009 18:09 - United States

Today, I was fixing some photos for a client. I spent 20 minutes trying to Photoshop an unusual black dot out of a picture. Only then did I discover it was a black dot on my computer screen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 863
You deserved it 64 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

After the first minute wouldn't you notice that the paintbrush wasn't covering the dot?

designedlikedice 0

You should have realized it wasn't on the picture a long time ago. FYL for being so stupid.


dim8200 3

Today, I went to my computer and went to, there were no good fmls. FML

Right. 20 minutes? :/ This isn't significant enough to be an FML.

HAHA at #15 completely agree that this is sooooo NOT an fml! i wonder who selected this!

everyone bashing this person is ALSO an idiot considering you all put "an" in front of FML you don't put AN in front of something that doesn't start with a VOWEL. way to fail. by the way, it made me laugh.

use smaller words, internet people scare easily.

you're clearly really bad at your job and should find a new career, while you're at it stop wasting my time, i could really have used that 5s it took me to read it on something else, something life changing, but i didn't... i read your fml instead, FML

it's okay that has happened to me way more times than I can count. Usually it doesn't take me 20 minutes to figure it out though.... more like 10 seconds.

Y'all clearly arn't being respectful. It's funny, and not to mention y'all are wasting YOUR time reading FML so you're not much better. deal with it.

smartalek 2

you say y'all....quiet! haha jk but no this's bad