By NotCuteEnough - 24/08/2009 21:27 - United States

Today, I was flirting with this guy that had been forced to be my lab partner for class. He was really funny and attractive, too. In the middle of our conversation he said "You're so cute! You remind me of my boyfriend!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 592
You deserved it 7 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Toucan_Sam 0

Yes, #2. That would be the reason that it's funny and it's an FML.

xxgfxx90 0

At least he thought you were cute...


Maybe if you weren't so loose friendship would have crossed your mind instead of FML. YDI

MaddogTotten 0

People should stop ragging on the chick for wanting to hook up with some guy. The last thing I am going to accuse women of is being to readily accessible to guys. It's hard enough to get laid when you're in school, don't make it harder than it has to be.

Maybe she should just accept things and move on instead of complaining about them.

I don't see how this is an FML =P So one guy doesn't want you. So what?

Nadiateher 2

lol that sucks! and thats pretty funny [:

I don't get why this is a reason your entire life is ****** lol, but anyway...

So a guy didn't want to date you because you have a vag? That makes your life ******? Huh.

AND you think it's because you're "not cute enough"? Jeez, get over it. Find some other boy.

JustALesbian 16