By NotCuteEnough - 24/08/2009 21:27 - United States

Today, I was flirting with this guy that had been forced to be my lab partner for class. He was really funny and attractive, too. In the middle of our conversation he said "You're so cute! You remind me of my boyfriend!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 592
You deserved it 7 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Toucan_Sam 0

Yes, #2. That would be the reason that it's funny and it's an FML.

xxgfxx90 0

At least he thought you were cute...


no1askdu 5

cuz she obviously looks like a my mom

I think I love you! Best comment yet on this FML!

kyle_kbo20 0

yeah you know it. thats my ******* hobby. NOT

kezzstar 0

Don't see how making a new friend is an FML. Besides, guys tend to gravitate to girls that hang out with guys so who knows......?

I agree with everything you're saying except that it's easier for girls to get hot guys. I see wayyy more ugly guys + hot girls than I do ugly girls + hot guys. Unless you just meant that once you're hot, you can get ANY guy you want but a hot guy can't get any girl he wants, which I agree with.

kellster 2

"NotCuteEnough"? Really? How about "NotMaleEnough"? How can you possibly take someone else's sexual orientation personally?? That's completely ridiculous and self-centered. Okay, so it sucks that you found out that a cute guy is gay or otherwise unavailable. But it's not like your being any cuter or less cute is going to have any effect on that whatsoever. That's just ignorance on your part. Meanwhile, he was nice enough to let you know, in a way that was both not hurtful but actually complimentary, that he's not on the market for anyone, male or female, and meanwhile you might have made yourself a good friend. The point of this: his being gay is not about you. If he was straight, it might be, but this is the one circumstance in which is was absolutely 100% NOT about you.

MaddogTotten 0

Threesome??? Just saying. And really, are girls that put off by a challenge? Just because he is gay doesn't mean that he isn't still a guy. I've swayed plenty of lesbians, but then again I enjoy the challenge. You aren't going to make him not gay, but that doesn't mean that he won't consider getting freaky.

waterynuggets 0

Damn, I thought this was pimpin88 for a split second. What a ******* disappointment.