By Anonymous - 04/05/2011 21:53 - Ireland

Today, I was getting funny looks all day. When I got home I realised that I was interrupted while doing my make-up this morning and completely forgot to fill in my second eye brow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 958
You deserved it 28 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theyd be giving u weird looks anyway u have drawn on eyebrows! not attractive sorry


SpazzyJazzy325 0

lol it's ok you're just one step ahead of Lady Gaga

don't fill in your eyebrows. If you over plucked 1) it's not attractive 2) filling in your eyebrows isn't attractive either. Try actually letting your eyebrows grow nicely.. and pluck if need be, but not too much. All in all, YDI.

It would seem to me that filling in one's eyebrows would be the appropriate action if the person has over-plucked them. That person, ya know, may want to actually HAVE eyebrows.

I think the problem is u have to 'fill in' either eyebrow...

I think a lot of people in the comments section have missed out on what pencilling in your eyebrows actually means. It's not the same as drawing new ones on. I have very light skin and hair (my hair is dyed, but naturally it's really light anyway), so I use an eyebrow pencil over my actual eyebrows so they show up. I don't shave my eyebrows off and draw new ones on!

7) tattoo your eye brows?! why not just leave them? it looks tacky drawing them in.

People are gonna hate this, but: YDI for having fake eyebrows (maybe more of your face? I consider all make up fake, because it is literally covering something up.) made with products most likely unnecessary tested on animals.