By Anonymous - 04/05/2011 21:53 - Ireland

Today, I was getting funny looks all day. When I got home I realised that I was interrupted while doing my make-up this morning and completely forgot to fill in my second eye brow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 958
You deserved it 28 781

Same thing different taste

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theyd be giving u weird looks anyway u have drawn on eyebrows! not attractive sorry


Oh, how tragic. Hope you aren't, like totally alienated from high school because that would be, like, tragic.

Hiiiigh school is such a serious thing, These problems maaatter

And no one was kind enough to tell you.

You weren't getting funny looks OP, those were reflections off the toilet mirror.

xmayne 0
Krista835 5

Just keep doing it so people think you're starting a trend

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And SOME men can't seem to spell out their words use capital letters correctly or use punctuations... Period.

I'm pretty sure somebody can make him bleed down there..

eag05 0

- next time carry a sharpie in u bag pendeja !

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