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By lovely321 - 02/04/2011 19:46 - United States

Today, I was giving a strip tease over Skype to my boyfriend. My mom walked in mid-way through, took a long look at me, said hi to my boyfriend, and walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 722
You deserved it 50 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EllieLovesYou 0

Yes, that's sad but you should have locked your door hun :P

KingDingALing 9

At least she didn't see your boyfriend jacking off. Oh come on, we all know he was masturbating.


EllieLovesYou 0

Yes, that's sad but you should have locked your door hun :P

chell1894 13

Exactly! Why do so many people do things like this without locking their door?

Goose3 0

u now to lock the door wen ur doing a strip tease from experience rigth??

yazmi_09 3

wow 17 you manage to spell experience correctly but somehow misspell you, know, when, you're, and right

some people don't have locks for their room, my house has a front door and bathroom door locks but no other locks :/

Goose3 0

hey I sux at slelling FYI so idc

noobgang7 5

So your mom checked you out, got jealous that she can't have your body, and then left angrily because you didn't ask her to join in

1, nice Demi lovato pic lol. now, on to the real reason i came here... I forgot. hmm... oh! macaroni sales are increasing as we speak. momma bunny is not happy -.-

Mimiroxxi 0

hey 24, no one gives a f**k! There's no need to correct since it is text language. Don't be an ass, I'm pretty sure people know what meant. it's the Internet no one cares but you and some annoying twats out there, you're just wasting your time. and not everyone have locks guys...

hey 1 your profile pic is... slutty.

isn't Demi lovato from disney???? ????????

...the ****? Someone... Please... Make it stop...

12 looks like she's having a strip tease fail! and 1's picture isn't actually Demi lovato, miss bunny was just calling her that cus she looks like demi. like when people call fat short tan people snooki... haha

#66- it's a losing fight and it's not yours. why get concerned? should you have better things to do???

iliveinthesky_fml 0

65 looks like Kesha. Oops I meant, "Ke$ha."

actually guys, that really is a legit Demi lovato pic. it's not number 1's actual picture.

118- that is demi. maybe you should look closer next time ? and people who are complaining about people who fix grammar shouldnt even try to start a fight with them. for some people text language is really annoying. it can become a habit & you may even actually spell like that. so i give respect to those who correct grammar. & those who dont, go somewhere else.

ooh that's where I rexognized her face yea that's Demi

@1 OP may not have locks. My house doesn't.

Mimiroxxi 0

119, I could ask you the same question don't you have better things to do before jumping into something clearly don't know what you're talking about? I was not concern FYI I was trying to make a point and I do have better things to do btw, I'm not on this site 24/7 nor was trying to start a fight.

"Text" is not a language. It's an excuse for retards. You may use English, Spanish or even Chinese. Wen sum txt luser msgs me like tht, he jst dusnt get hired. Eventually, all the text kiddies will starve to death in the gutters holding signs that read, "cn u get me job for fud?" That day will be awesome.

pimplayer 0

I'm gonna take a wild guess, but did you meet on WoW or runescape?

Mimiroxxi 0

I know text is not a "language" that's just what it's call...

I love reading arguments on fml more than reading the actual fmls themselves. ily all ty XD

nice photoshopped Demi Lovato picture xD

romanthompson 0

^ That's exactly what I was thinking!! That is just Demi Levato's head and some *****'s body!!

Fatalally 4

152 - You weren't "concern[ed]" and "was trying to make a point", yet you felt it was necessary to put curse words into your reply earlier reply?

I know this is a really old fml but I'd like to point out not everyone has locks on their bedroom doors (my door doesn't) and that even if it is their house parents should knock.

Not all doors have locks; mine doesn't

Some bedroom doors don't have locks Like mine....

awildwhisper 30

Saying text isn't a language isn't correct. That's like saying Southern grammar is incorrect, it's the English language with a different dialect. Look up text phrases in the dictionary and they're there. If a word is used by enough people it's in the language. people need to realize that languages CHANGE. Merriam-Webster: "Tracking Word Usage. To decide which words to include in the dictionary and to determine what they mean, Merriam-Webster editors study the language as it's used. They carefully monitor which words people use most often and how they use them." Also in the case of the often misspelled words on here "you're and your" my phone often changes them right before I send a message and I don't notice it.

Why is this an FML? If you didn't want to get caught I'm sure you could have done something to prevent it, like locks, wait until your mum is out or maybe not do it at all over the Internet?! Sorry for the rant I just get frustrated when I read pointless FML's that are clearly deserved.

Goose3 0

wow im a retard 4 not locking yur room

LexxyLiime 0

Is that you in your picture?

Goose3 0

I'm not emo I just look emo stop hating;)

oooKiLLaHooo 0

lol that's not you.. but really what's the point on putting a fake pic on fml.. is it really worth it?

hate hate hate hatr haew hrew geis ksue jssiddjdgdisvjshdidj

Of course you're correct, but please don't make thread after thread about it; it's sort of annoying for the other users to see all the time.

You guys have played straight into Goose3's hands..

rebekahah 7

imma have to agree with notfunnii. I swear I saw a picture of that guy on google making out with another dude. -.- NEVER look up "emo haircuts for guys" :/

who has a bedroom lock? I wish I had one :(

brunettesara5722 17

umm mayb she doesn't have 1... think outside the box

NineFishMffns_fml 0

I've seen rebeka's and gooses pic on google :p and like 1/2 of all the other pics on FML. It's not a new thing for people to put another picture up other than themselves. Some do it cause they may not want their own pic up, not a big deal, lol.

funny you saying that because yer pic is of someone I know and she lives in the uk and her name is not Rebecca (:

NineFishMffns_fml 0

So? and I saw that girl accepting compliments saying that's her hair (which really is cool whoever that is, I'd never be able to pull that off ;/) :p people do it all the time, but props for your bunny man, it's cute, most I can draw is maybe a lame stickman lol!!

158, 71 had a real picture of herself up when she posted this comment. she recently changed it. however, I must say, your hair is ******* amazing!

I saw your pic on google. Why put up a fake pic?

I've seen this picture for years on google. The real guy has a dA and types like he has a brain.

158, the ****? why are you calling her fake? your picture is obviously the model, brookelle bones. (or however you spell it)

LexxyLiime 0

LOLL AGREED. I started a riot :3 proud mama! haha. and yeah your pic is brookelle bones. why the fuuuuuuucccckkk are fakes commenting on this? what's the point of faking on fml, again, it's not worth it, nobody cares whether your ugly/pretty on this

LexxyLiime 0

by the way it's not possible to lock your room, you lock doors not rooms.

71- me and my best friend **** over emo dudes kissing!! and thats not strange at all......

KingDingALing 9

At least she didn't see your boyfriend jacking off. Oh come on, we all know he was masturbating.

Goose3 0
yazmi_09 3

unless op is nasty looking, then idk

W0 0

well why wouldnt he? its free ****

Holy mother of ****!!! 93 has got some serious jugzzz.......ok I'm done kthnxbai!

It all depends on how far into the strip tease you got. :P Like, one sock wouldn't so bad.

i believe the fml said something about being midway to the performance

Im going on the basis that she only had 2 socks on..? :P

rebekahah 7
megggy27 0

hahahahahaa that's great. at least she ain't mad??

brunettesara5722 17

ya rite this isn't a fml if my mom saw me do that I'd b soo ******

Autoshot 9
houstontxmex 0

Haha your mom totally got on the phone to call every tittybar in town, she's gonna pimp da hoe! We are in a recession people!

hahaha! that's a profession that's recession proof. smart mom