By jesus christ - 01/10/2011 02:55 - United States

Today, I was giving an anti-drugs speech to a group of ninth graders. I got onto the topic of trafficking from problem countries and asked a student to point out Mexico City on a map. He hesitated a few seconds before pointing at Canada. What the hell has the education system come to? FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 361
You deserved it 3 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yadisingh 5

Our future looks prosperous...

*facepalm* unfortunately, some kids just aren't taught/don't care. It's sad though =/


In Canada were taught to memorise the positions of most countries in the world throughout our schooling, when I was in grade nine I could name every south American country and knew where they were on a map, you guys need to catch up

In Canada, do they teach you about run-on sentences?

They teach us this in America too...the people here are just complete dumbasses

Whoop-de-******* do, you memorized 14 countries (assuming you included The Falkland islands). Memorize all the countries in the world and I'll be impressed. Hell, memorize all the weird ass European countries and I'll be impressed. But really, just Souh America, really?

Just cause one kid doesn't know where Mexico is doesn't mean all if them are stupid and don't know where it is.

*facepalm* bunch of idiot kids that can only think about beer, marijuana, and sex...I think I'm losing IQ points being I'm school right now...

Lol! If you ask him where his ass is he'll probably point to your face.

Urbanchiller 0

eh, after I state where I am from usually I get a blank face as an answer, so ya I am not surprised.

is see alot of these comments are "oh no one kid is dumb our future is screwed" well that is one kid and I'm pretty sure ever class has atleast one of them. yes that is probably more dumb kids then there were 30 years ago but our future is defiantly not screwed because I bet there were alot more smart or average kids that will do something for society them there are the dumb kids who won't help at all.

Kids like that are the reason that the "dumb American" stereotype exists.

token_blackguy 18

Just remember. Fox news says America has the best education system in the world.

catharsis5 9

Then it must be true, FOX News is 100% reliable. You know other things people learn from Fox news? That socialism, Marxism and communism are the same as fascism. Global warning is fake. And that Glenn Beck is a credible political analyst.

People just dont care they get all drugged up on whatever they can get then say why should i know this the problem is people dont care and the schools dont do their jobs at least very few teacher do it right